What is temperature calibration? Temperature calibration refers to the calibration of any device used in a system that measures temperature. However, this usually means the temperature sensor itself. Among the temperature devices, we can find a platinum resistance thermometer (PRT or PT-100), a thermistor, or a thermocouple. Here at INSCO Metrology, we can calibrate a wide variety of equipment, including SPRTs, PRTs, thermistors, thermocouples, and liquid-in-glass thermometers. Our facilities are equipped with Fixed Point Cells, from Mercury to Zinc, liquid calibration baths, and dry-block that allow us to calibrate from -196 °C to 1000 °C. Our standards are maintained and monitored to achieve low uncertainties and the best calibration quality. Temperature calibrations are accredited by the NIST/National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program, NVLAP, for the specific scope of accreditation under laboratory code 200-508-0.